There's gotta be something bigger than this. Than going to school, than having a career, than attending a church or helping with a charity organization. There's gotta be something bigger than vacations. There's gotta be more to look forward to than the same old SHIT!
Why are we doing this anyway? Why're we in school in the first place? Why does everyone tell us we have to go to college? The only thing that comes out of it is the 'opportunity' to get a job! Let me tell you, It's gonna take more motivation than that! I've only got one life to live, and I do NOT intend to spend it conventionally. I don't like shopping at supermarkets - I HATE going to the same church week after week, and I. HATE. WORK. the kind of work that doesn't accomplish anything - worksheets and tests and the like. None of that stays in your brain once you're out of school; just ask your parents what the fuck a derivative is!!
There has to be something bigger than sports. No matter how good we get, we won't break the world record. If we DO break the world record, someone else is going to eventually break ours!
There has to be something bigger than watching movies or reading books. There has to be something bigger than making them. Why can't people exercise their own imaginations once in awhile? Why put a monetary value on creativity? Why do we give each other nobel prizes, oscars, and pulitzer? THEY DON'T MEAN ANYTHING! The value of the book is contained in the words themselves - not in somebody's opinion of it!
There has to be something bigger than waiting for the future.
There has to be something bigger than living in the present.
There has to be something bigger than remembering the past.
And if there's not, I'm going to have to come up with that something for myself, because the world has become pretty damn predictable these days.
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