Friday, March 11, 2011

Divergent Creative Energies


A thimbleful or a gallon
we are all the same
we lust, we love, we hope, we pray
we desire the hearts of doves
we fear losing those we know, and that which we own
we are equal ignorant of simple truths,
most importantly, that we are immortal.
That all things are open to us
should we muster the courage to try

Ok, so that's a poem-in-progress - I'm gonna dump an idea here so that I don't lose it. It's a short story idea that I'll be working on once I fucking have TIME.

"Enemies both Foreign and domestic" is the working title. The idea is a government agency that creates plausible deniability for EVERYTHING significant in the world:

Alien sightings / UFO's

Certain forms of technology (mind reading, free energy, androids, etc)

Brainwashing/mind control -- especially through mediums like television, computers, and smart phones

Dominance of certain countries over others (America, for instance, would still have a diplomatic stranglehold over much of the world, but exterior-ally it appears to be weakening)

Very importantly -- The non-existance of the 'free market;' stocks, bonds, entire companies and meta-companies are all controlled by a holding company that is owned BY the US government. This dominating company has been around since the time of keynes.

Also, the illusion of a democratic society. Conspiracy theorists believe that corporations own the politicians - in fact, certain other gov't bureaus hand-pick and train politicians they deem able to serve their cause.


In practice, this plausible deniability agency would forcibly suppress the truth and people who tried to expose it. This would explain the assassinations of Alan Turing, JFK, the entire staff of project Bluebook, and the multiple attempted assassinations of Ronald Reagan. More recent cases - scooter libby, peter beter, and dr... (forget the name, will find it later).  The story chronicles agents - think 'men in black' whose job it is to neutralize people who try to reveal the truth. Why is there a NEED for plausible deniability? As one agent says at the end: "Just think what would happen if they knew how small their lives really are."

It's an existential dilemma! Revolutions and social change occurs when people realize that they DON'T have any real power over their lives, and they seek to gain back that power. The reason dictatorships and shadow gov'ts can happen is because people cling to a belief that their lives have meaning / significance - that they are irreplaceable.

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