Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Wisdom of Crowds

So it's the 21st century, the sexual revolution is hopping like it's going out of style, the LGBT culture is getting it on and putting itself out there in society, and by all counts you'd think we're all happier for it. Right?

WRONG. The Sex and the City, The Bachelorette, and the recent glut of reality shows and social networking sites are contributing to what i'd like to call "The Starving Times." More than ever before, people aren't starting and building long-term relationships, ARE itchy with their divorce trigger fingers, and are actively working to stay single in order to search for "Mr. Right." The result? Most people, in big cities and small towns alike, are having less sex than at any other period in history. When they do have sex, the encounters are usually one night stands that end in shame and soul-wrenching ickyness. But i'm just saying that because i'm a prude, right? I've never been part of that scene before, so what the hell do I know?

I know that in the first month of living at NYU, there was not a single male-female interaction I observed that EVER progressed beyond a one night stand. That goes for me, my roommate, the other students on my floor and the extended circle of friends I made during welcome week. In fact, most of that crowd who I talked with often confided that they were lonely. It's plain to see why; people want stability in their lives. More than anything, what makes them happy is a mostly predictable lifestyle. That goes for one's home (waking up in the same bed every morning), one's friends (being able to confide the deepest secrets you have with long-time friends. Building memories with them), and one's love interests.

Well, in a long-drawn-out process, I discovered the answer to these common woes. A long-term relationship is more fulfilling, physically and emotionally, than any grey-area fling that my generation (and the current twentysomething crowd) seems to find so endearing. So: thanks for your advice, Cosmo, but I think i'll do the grown-up thing and stick with one girl. It worked out for every generation before the 1960's, and it can certainly work now.

I LOL at bachelors.

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