Call me late to the ball game, but Django Unchained was an absolutely stunning film. It's got lots of guns, lots of blood, just a hint of sex, and lots of good old-fashioned cussing and Mexican standoffs. It's about a black man circa 1858 who gets revenge on the white men who oversaw him as a slave, and on the white men who bought and owned his wife. This black man, in the course of one winter, learns to read, ride a horse, and shoot pistols and rifles better than U.S. Marshals of his time - ALL in the name of him becoming a bounty hunter. It's a fantastic film, but it definitely hinges on the implausible. I will not call this "Quentin Tarantino's best movie ever"; Pulp Fiction claims that title.
I heard tell of certain Hollywood types, nameably Spike Lee, boycotting Django because it's 'Disrespectful' to those who suffered under American Chattel slavery. Quote:
"It'd be disrespectful to my ancestors to see that film. That's the only thing I'm going to say. I can't disrespect my ancestors," Lee told VibeTV in a recent interview.
Lighten UP, Spike Lee! Django was not created to 'Disrespect' anybody other than slave owners and those who profited from slavery. This movie was made to make people laugh, and to get their blood pumping - which It accomplishes in equal measures. You'd know that if you bothered to see the movie, rather than just reading the blurb of a movie critic's review.
That goes for every one of you who decides to get 'offended' by a Hollywood film, or by a video game. Lighten up! This stuff is entertainment - no more, no less. I'll admit, some movies, like Sam Bacile's "Innocence of Muslims", are created to offend. They are few in number, easy to spot, and rarely commercially successful because they are blatantly racist, sexist, or classist.
Most grown-up movies are going to make fun of a group of people. At some point in your life, you will be a target, either because of your gender, your race, or where you live. LAUGH IT OFF. If you can't laugh at yourself, no one wants to be around you. If Django was good enough of a movie for Samuel L Jackson, one of the most successful black actors of all time, to act in it, it should be good enough for Spike Lee to watch it.
I swear, if people keep walking around with a stick up their ass, getting offended about the least bit of political incorrectness, I will personally write and direct a film so offensive it'll make "Springtime for Hitler" look tame.
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