Sunday, June 27, 2010


Thanks, Dorot. Thanks a lot. This is the last internship I bother to sign up for; my rock and my hope for some community service hours that benefit both me and the community I'd be working for, and you reject me. Do you think this was beneficial in some way? That there was some child more qualified to deal with seniors than I? Let it be so. Frankly, I could care less, because that means I have five full days a week to train for the double marathon this summer AND study to ace my ACT's.

I could raise a fuss and cause hell for you guys and your sponsors that keep that place running, but why bother? Once I've got a Ron Perelman-size fortune tucked away somewhere, you'll see where the mistake was. I'll simply give the money to those competing for the donations you get - and there are many of such kind in New york - and your entire 'generations' spiel will become an outdated, marginalized, antique.

At least I won't be wasting my time this summer on some feel-good project. In that sense, YES, THANK YOU, Dorot. Let someone who aspires to join the peace corps take my place.

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