Friend of mine wants me to make a list of 50 things that make me happy.
They are NOT in any particular order.
1. My sister
2. My Dad
3. Briana
4. Steven (oddly enough :D )
5. DeAnna
6. Artem
7. Mello
8. Liam
9. Videogames, any and all
10. Studying for a test and doing well
11. Understanding math (that feeling when it CLICKS and you feel like the smartest bloke ever)
12. Posting in this blog
13. Running
14. Acting, whether in a theater or doing improv when i'm trying to make a point
15. Reading. Fucking. Everything.
16. Being productive
17. Writing literature and having it come out well
18. Making money
19. Earning the respect of other people
20. Being diplomatic in bad situations
21. Having time to be alone
22. Being in the middle of a crowd
23. Glasses (I still can't get over the awesomeness)
24. My teachers (Mr. Kawano, Mr. Bailin, Mr. Tracey, Ms. Connell, Ms. Meyer, Mr. Dummitt, Ms. Farnum)
25. Cooking good food and / or serving it to people
26. Eating good food
27. Having random flashes of insight that make people go 0.0
28. Arguing with people about the meaning of things (in a good-spirited way)
29. Being in light
30. Being in the dark
31. Staying awake
32. Sleeping
33. Swimming
34. Weightlifting
35. Tanning and not burning (this never happens xD )
36. Listening to music
37. Making music
38. Sharing what I have with other people
39. When other people share with me
40. Being anywhere In New York City
41. Being in New Jersey
42. Making other people happy
43. Exploring little-known places
44. Science! (she blinded me with it)
45. Giving and getting Backrubs
46. Checking out other people's facial hair and trying to grow a beard
47. Computers
48. Dreams, especially If I can remember them
49. Anything to do with flying
50. When I feel like a kid again
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