Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A Reckoning

When a man is denied the right to free speech, free press, and free assembly, there is a reckoning. It happened in Iran, it happened here in the U.S. over Vietnam and the War in Iraq, and It will happen again. This time, however, this reckoning will be global.


Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, has been arrested over frivolous claims of sexual assault. The truth of the matter is, the sex was consensual and overage. The governments of Sweden and Britain are attempting to defame this man in order to silence him, and their ploy may succeed unless something is done about it. Something MUST be done about it. WikiLeaks and what it stands for, the dissemination of information that the government tries to hide from us, must be preserved at all costs.

You know that motto that the MTA has? "If you see something, say something?" It's true. If you see an injustice committed by ANYONE, it is your duty to speak up. Otherwise, you are condoning that act. Remember; those who witnessed the holocaust did not speak up.

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