Saturday, November 24, 2012

Much Change

I no longer want to be a businessman: I want to be a brain surgeon.

I speak English and French, but now I also speak Croatian. I'm visiting Croatia in January with  my girlfriend.

I'm not taking any more social studies classes: only the sciences; Biology, Chemistry, Statistics and Child Psychopathology.

I stopped writing for a long time. It may be that I was so happy being with my girlfriend that I no longer felt a compulsion to write. It may be that I no longer saw the benefit in writing. I think it's because I got lazy.

Laziness is the worst thing that can happen to a person, especially if one has the energy to do more than sit on their ass and just 'get by' in their schoolwork, in their jobs, and in their relationships.

That all changes now. I'm done being lazy.

Because this is my chance to shine, and it may be the only chance that I get.