Friday, March 18, 2011


I was recently told that Convervatism eschews civil rights and trends towards Fascism, while Liberalism/Progressivism champions individual rights and freedoms. Libertarianism, according to this person, is for the young.

If it is the duty of the young to try to bring about societal change, then by all means, I never want to grow up. It is said that with worldly experience comes cynicism; that is because one comes to rely ENTIRELY on their experience to deal with the world around them. If such a thing happens to you, then yes, you can say "there is nothing new under the sun." You are entitled to your defeatist attitude.

My identity is based on principles. Among these are

the maintenance of civil rights,
the protection of personal wealth,
the removal of 'victimless crimes' from our laws,
the inviolability of the PRIVATE sector to provide for the needs of the people,
the capacity for self-defense, both for the individual AND for the local community,
the settling of local issues ON the local government level;
the right of the people for their voices to have weight in ALL state issues

the minimum of legislation necessary for societal order.

It seems to me that, all too often, we forget the ideals of western civilization and democracy, and come to embrace the bickering - IMMOBILE- state of politics we find ourselves in. We also forget that change on ANY level of society comes from the individual. Not from "they" or "them," (as in "they should do something about it. I thought they had fixed this problem already! It's all their fault) but from YOU.

If you are reading this and there are issues you are concerned about that you would like to discuss, leave a comment on my blog. Let's work to become a force of change for our country.

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