Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Headline News

Oy Vey, I'm starting to get overwhelmed, here. Gingrich lost by a LANDSLIDE to Romney in Florida, thank God, but Santorum and Paul are still in the loop. Please, please, please can we have Santorum drop this charade?

No. We can't. Santorum's too valuable to the GOP: if Gingrich can't pass muster in the next few states to hold primaries, then they'll need SOMEone who stands a chance of beating Romney. And, as we all know, Paul is the least favored candidate by the ole boy crowd.

Enough of politics. It's giving me a headache, keeping me up late at night...

Apple is coming up with a scheme to destroy textbook publishing. It's about TIME! I mean, it takes a certain amount of time between the release of a new technology (iPads and tablet PC's) and its being embraced by the mainstream. Even so, you'd think universities would have adopted eTextbooks as a standard by now! Regardless of the lag, this confirms my theory: that print media is dead - and for a good reason. Interactive textbooks can make the difference between a generation totally turned off to education and a generation that, through higher education, changes the very face of this planet. This I believe, and have believed in for some time now.

According to this report, only 5% of Americans account for half of all health care spending. In the broader context of our economy, that seems to signal that Obamacare was directed at a rather small constituency... and that you and I should not have to give up our hard-earned wealth just so these people (most of whom are aged 65 or older) can get a free ride. "A full day's work for a full day's wage." - Margaret Thatcher

That's all the news for tonight. If you want more... read the Times.


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