Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The New Hampshire Primaries Are Up

Not to shut the barn door after the animals are out, but here are the results, with 68% of precincts in New Hampshire reporting:

Mitt Romney: 38%
Ron Paul: 23.5%
Jon Huntsman: 16.8%
Newt Gingrich: 9.8%
Rick Santorum: 9.7%
Rick Perry: 0.7%
Michele Bachmann: 0.1%

The people of New Hampshire who voted today were clearly paying attention to Saturday's debates. I'm going to post my own impressions of the debaters below, with scores that correspond to their general speaking skills:

Romney: 8.5/10 I smell a rat with this guy, and until I'm proven otherwise, this man is dead to me politically. However, he was the best public speaker on stage on Saturday night. He spoke with consistent confidence, backed up his arguments with sources and statistics, and was every inch the consummate leader as he gave opponents his trademark "That's nice, but I'm better than you" smile. He set the tone for the debate by going after Obama's handling of the economy, and then cited his tenure as head of Bain Capital as creating 100,000+ jobs. Whether or not that's true, I think he's going to lose the campaign - even if he wins the Republican nomination - because of this nasty narcissism he picked up while Governing and CEO'ing.

Paul: 6.5/10: I love the man to death, but he came across as more of a reactionary during the debates than a leader. Also, some of his attacks on other candidates seemed to be on shaky grounds - BUT he could stand his ground when others attacked him. He has a sharp mind and a sharper tongue. It's going to be interesting, watching how he performs in South Carolina.

Huntsman: 3/10: Sorry, but he's boring. Harped on about his record this, his record that, without even raising his voice ONCE in the first thirty minutes of the debate.

Gingrich: 5/10: Boring fucker.

Santorum: 6/10: he stood his ground when Paul accused him of being corrupt, and he was very confident about his platform, his record in office, and his beliefs. The downside is... he looks too much like Joel Osteen, that slimy televangelist.


I know. It was deeply unsettling for me to realize that. That aside, he sought to disassociate himself from the pack by attacking the others for being "too Washington" or "too Wall Street". That's just lowball, and any candidate who does that automatically loses points in my book. You have to PROVE that you're better than them in order to win anything for that kind of attack.

Perry: 4/10: look, the guy is a sinking ship, and everyone knows it. Unless he wins S.C. by a miracle, LANDSLIDE victory, there's no way in hell he can win the nomination. The man is a liar, and a crook: the only jobs he created were with tax dollars that went into farm and oil subsidies, or some other industry where they didn't belong. He campaigned so hard in the early stages of this race that he ended up making himself look like bozo the clown - and he has paid dearly for it. If he wants to save what little political face he has, he'd better call it quits soon and let the real adults get back to work.

- Cameron Beaudreault

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