Sunday, April 11, 2010

Crunch Time

It's Sunday. Again. I don't have to go to New Jersey tonight for once - i'll actually have time to sleep - thank god. Means i'll be on top of my homework when I get back.

I went for a 5 mile run this morning with mom. She saw me crying yesterday; today asked me why. I told her, but I won't tell her again, because she told me to stop hanging out with you. She said that you're not good for me, that you'd be a bad influence. I didn't talk back once she got critical, because she's wrong.I know that you ARE good for me. I know that you make me happy. I know that you're NOT a bad influence.

Lesson of the day; I think it's time I stopped hanging with my mom. She's been right many times in the past, but dead wrong when it comes to stuff like this.

Hugs fix more than words. I need a hug.

Later that day, mom goes out to dinner with her boyfriend. One rule of the house; don't leave while i'm gone. My friend Mike comes by and wants to go to the high line, offering me some green if I take him there. I did, cuz otherwise the night would've been boring, right? If you've ever been to the high line at night, i'd recommend you do so with or without entheogens. We were taking pictures all the way up and down the area, enjoying ourselves to the fullest, getting food from a nearby street vendor even. We were going to climb the fence and explore 'the private area' but Mikey had a case of paranoia... ah well. So I get a call around 9:30 that night; it's my mom asking where I was (where the FUCK I was, actually, she's not dainty). The trip was over.

No one got hurt, mentally or physically, and it didn't cost us a dime to go down there. Thanks mom, for ruining the first time i've gotten to see Mike in weeks.

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